Richting geven aan duurzaamheid

Giving shape to sustainability

Make environmental footprint management actionable

Antwoorden op uw duurzaamheidsvraagstukken

Onze fundamentele drijfveer is het creëren van een duurzame, gezonde planeet voor huidige en toekomstige generaties. Dat doen wij door organisaties te helpen hun milieu-impact in de agri-food waardeketen te begrijpen, en waardevolle inzichten te leveren door middel van advies en op maat gemaakte tools - gebaseerd op de laatste wetenschappelijke inzichten en data.

Blonk is toonaangevend expert, die organisaties in de agri-food sector inspireert, begeleid en in staat stelt om bij te dragen aan een duurzaam voedselsysteem.


Blonk is now Mérieux NutriSciences | Blonk

Since March 2023 Blonk is part of Mérieux NutriSciences group to strengthen a global position in environmental footprinting. This integration also means a new brand name and visual identity, symbolizing the beginning of a new chapter. Blonk is now Mérieux NutriSciences | Blonk. While you will notice changes in our brand name and visual identity, rest assured that our exceptional team remains dedicated to our mission to drive towards more sustainable agri-food systems and creating future-proof solutions to offer our planet: Better Food. Better Health. Better World. 

Team Blonk

Our organisation consists of two business divisions: Blonk Consultants and Blonk Sustainability Tools.

Our growing team consists of agri-food and sustainability experts, software developers and data and methodology specialists. 

Blonk's work is centered around high quality data and Life Cycle Assessment methodologies, which are the essential basis for working towards a sustainable agri-food sector. 

We provide you with independent and actionable insights via advice, facts & figures, tailored tools, based on the best available science, data and standards, through a transparent, reliable and hands-on approach.

Environmental Footprinting services

Life Cycle Assessment

Life Cycle Assessment is de leidende methode om de milieuimpact van producten, services of organisaties in kaart te brengen op basis van data en gevestigde wetenschappelijke methodiek. Een LCA geeft inzicht in de huidige milieu-impact en in mogelijke verbeteringen voor verduurzaming van de waardeketen.

Methodology & standard development
LCA & footprinting

Examples of our work


Environmental footprinting & LCA

Each product has an impact on the environment, such as CO2, land use and use of resources. Environmental footprinting, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Carbon Footprinting are methods to investigate the environmental impact of products and supply chains. These methods give insights in possible (environmental) improvements in the supply chain.


Footprint reduction

Climate change being one of the most urgent challenges of our time. Society and businesses are looking for ways to define the contours of a sustainable world. Accordingly, more and more companies are joining programs to set sustainability targets. 

Sustainability Target Setting start with a complete analysis and reduction plan of GHG emissions of the entire value chain. A challenging task, which asks for profound knowledge of agri-food value chains, quantitative environmental analysis and acquires high-quality data.

Data solution


Advancing sustainability in the agri-food sector requires accurate and precise information. Blonk developed the Agri-footprint database to provide a thorough and consistent life cycle inventory (LCI) database for the agriculture and food sector. The database is widely used and implemented by the food industry, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) community, the scientific community, and governments worldwide.

capacity building

LCA and Footprint Training

At Blonk Consultants, our ultimate goal is to contribute to the creation of a truly sustainable food system, for now and for future generations. To speed up this transition as much as possible, we are keen to share our expert knowledge with others. 

We offer trainings and courses, also specifically designed for your organization - online or on location. 

Methodology & standard development

Environmental standards development

Measuring environmental sustainability can be a big challenge. Moreover, there exist many ways to calculate the environmental impact of a product or product value chain. Different companies use different methods and different background data. This makes it impossible to make fair comparisons between products for instance. It obstructs the way forward to create truly sustainable food systems. To tackle this challenge, we support industries and sectors to develop harmonized environmental calculation rules, based on the latest available international methodologies.

Inzicht & advies

Providing you with actionable insights in environmental impacts over the entire lifecycle of a product

Blonk Consultants is an international leader in the field of environmental and sustainability research in the agri-food sector. Our work is always based on quantitative analyses, independent data, integrating a life cycle thinking approach that encompasses the whole value chain. This generates comprehensible and transparent results that will be most of value to give shape to sustainability. Our team of consultants works closely with our clients to deliver clear and practical advice based on sound, independent research.




How we can help you to give shape to sustainability


Our multidisciplinary team helps you make value chain footprint management actionable. We support you with your first Life Cycle Assessment research, build sustainability capacity within your organization and organize life cycle training for employees. We can also support you by creating technical infrastructure to automate LCAs or create tailor-made environmental calculation tools. We can go even further by connecting our tools with your organization's data management ecosystem, making environmental footprint management your business practice.

Together we can pave the road to a sustainable and healthy planet.

Environmental footprinting

Life Cycle Assessments and Carbon footprints

Environmental standard development

Voluptate aut et labore ut qui illo. Molestias et commodi quam et deserunt.

Sustainability Target Setting

Helping you set sustainability targets and reduce your GHG emissions

Sustainable diets

Research into futureproof diets that are both healthy and sustainable.

Sustainability training & courses

Knowledge transfer to accelerate sustainable development. 

Assignment placing / Secondment

Growing the sustainability capacity within your organization and making our experts part of your team

Tailor-made environmental calculation tools

Gaining insights into the environmental performance of your products

Sustainability software solutions

Voluptate aut et labore ut qui illo. Molestias et commodi quam et deserunt.

Environmental databases

Development of reliable, qualitative environmental (LCA) databases, such as Agri-footprint

Environmental data development

Development of high-quality (LCA) environmental datasets for environmental analysis

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Ready to give shape to sustainability? 

Together we create sustainable agri-food systems